
DIGITAL LITERACY 8                        

Class Description and Grading Policy

Mr. Goll




Digital Literacy is a class that celebrates digital media while teaching student to avoid the potential perils of digital life.  The class combines this celebration with reviews of keyboarding skills. The class is designed to review and/or teach touch-typing and learn the proper keyboarding techniques that lead to mastery of operation of the keyboard.  It will prepare students for more advanced computer applications courses.




1.     The students will learn to use their critical thinking skills to make good decisions concerning digital life.

2.     The students will use skill building, ethical discussions, and real life scenarios.

3.     The students will learn and demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques.

4.     The students will master the keyboard using touch-typing skills.

5.     The students will develop letters and reports with correct formatting.




Keyboarding students will follow the Salina South Middle School Behavior Expectations:


1.     Be seated, with all materials, ready to work when the bell rings.

2.     Keep hands, feet and objects to themselves and practice acceptable behavior.

3.     Show respect for school property, self and others and do not use put downs, threats or intimidation.

4.     Do not eat candy or chew gum in the computer lab.

5.     Follow any additional rules or instructions given by staff.




1.     Students will bring their Cougar Planner, binder, a pen or pencil, paper, and any other assigned materials to class each day.

2.     Students will wait for permission to log into the computer system.  Their passwords must be kept private.  Students are not allowed to use other student's folders or passwords.  Remember, students are responsible for anything that is put into their folders.

3.     Students are expected to remain seated at their stations unless given permission to do otherwise.

4.     Students are not allowed to change any settings on the computer and are not allowed to browse or search through folders without permission.

5.     Students are to treat the computer and all classroom equipment with care.

6.     Students are not allowed to bring drinks into the lab.

7.     Students are not allowed to print material without permission.

8.     Students need to have an up-to-date Internet license.

      9.   Students will be allowed to use hall passes three times during each quarter.  If there is a medical problem, please let the teacher know.




Digital Literacy is graded on a point system.  The total points that you earn are divided by the total points possible.  Keyboarding is a skill.  Two general methods are used to assess changes in student achievement in keyboarding.  First, subjective evaluation is used to measure technique and work habits.  Second, objective evaluation is used to measure success through performance and knowledge tests.  You will learn to type, or improve your typing skills, safely and accurately.


The largest percentage of your grade will come from class participation and demonstrating proper technique while at the keyboard.  Other grades will come from your progress through the course which will be determined by teacher observation, timed typing tests, the number of lessons completed, and objective tests.